
High Ability


Eastbrook Community Schools Corporation defines a high ability student as one who performs or shows potential at levels beyond that of students with the same experience or environment in the areas of general intellect, mathematics, or language arts. These students are representative of all ethnic, gender and socioeconomic groups and exemplify the need to receive services that are not part of the regular school curriculum for their age level.

Elementary High Ability Services

At the elementary level, students are served through flexible groupings, differentiated instruction, and acceleration by classroom teachers. Several online programs also assist in meeting student needs at individual learning levels.

Junior High Services

Junior high students are grouped for advanced language arts and mathematics classes. Language arts materials and activities reflect higher expectations and more critical thinking for students. Math instruction is accelerated and may address standards one to two years above students’ actual grade levels.

High School Services

High school offers open enrollment in Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. AP courses are offered in US History, Art, Chemistry, and Calculus. In addition students may earn both high school and college course credit through Taylor University, Indiana Wesleyan University and Ivy Tech.
